Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Synonym for Weird and Sounds like Pelican.

So first of all in case you haven't figured it out already India is HOT! Like extremely hot.
Anyway, now that I got that out of my system, I have to share some of the amazing things that we have discovered in this beautiful country. I think the only way to even possibly start to explain the vast difference between our little bubble in Colchester, VT and the streets of Kolkata is to talk about the head surgeries I have seen three days in a row!

Picture this:
Sue, Em, Alicia, me (sarah) all hanging out with some India women, a few Sisters, and a couple other volunteers from all over the world participating in a long line of laundry at Pram Dan. When we just happen to glance to our left: right inside the doorway, in the 100 degree weather, flys buzzing everywhere, and what do we see.....the sisters just casually stichingone of the woman's head back together. Now, if this was back in VT and I went to a rescue call with this I would be seriously worried about infection, bleeding control, etc. NOPE, in Kolkata this is just normal. We walked all around her carrying the laundry upstairs, she just looked at us and the sisters didn't even pause. About 20 minutes later she is just sitting in a plastic chair eating a banana. These people are amazing! Anyway, this surgery (to completly remove a portion of her skin (like a basketball size portion to revel the white skull below), and then daily to pick out the maggots that are just prospering in there is scheduled daily for laundry time.

Regardless, our time here is amazing! I can't speak for anyone else, but I am in love with the women are Prem Dan. They are just the sweetest ladies, and while what we do is not always pleasant( ie. Take the women to the bathroom which consists of a room where they do their business on the floor and then we sweep it to the hole by the wall, or have to feed them since they can't themselves) it is more rewarding than I could ever express. I can not wait to go back!

The streets of Kolkata are full of emotions. It is hard to walk anywhere without seeing something new, and often times devestating. But, then you see the good in people. The smiling, the kindness, and the giving that many people offer up as you are walking past makes it worth it. In the morning, at 7am, when we college students should be sleeping, we are instead sitting at the Mother House in Kolkata, India. We are drinking Chai, chatting with volunteers from all over the world, and excitedly waiting the prayer that will start our day at our houses. The compassion, love, and strength that people have shown us these past few days is amazing! Right now it is all about living in the moment, being where you feel you are suppose to be, and seeing what happens next!

Tomorrow....Brother Xavier's to meet everyone and Kayleigh's birthday!!

1 comment:

  1. All I can say is WOW....makes us all so thankful for what we have. ox
